Like you really care?
Published on September 6, 2008 By Phranx In Demigod


Arrow Keys Pan camera (Also works with the Numpad Arrows).
Scroll Up Zoom In.
Scroll Down Zoom Out.
K Skills Screen.
L Character Screen.
Q Action slot 1
W Action slot 2
E Action slot 3
R Action slot 4
F1 Item Slot 1
F2 Item Slot 2
F3 Item Slot 3
Ins Rotate Camera Left.
Del Rotate Camera Right.
Space Hold while moving the mouse to freely move the camera view.
Mouse 1 Click the target to use current Action.
Mouse 2 Issue commands.
Mouse 3 Hold down to pan camera.
Enter Chat to Allies.
Shift + Enter Chat to All.
A Set attack move, Left Click a point to move there stopping to attack everything in your path.
T Center camera on your Demigod.
\ Toggle camera focus between your Demigod and a distant view of the centre of the map.
F12 Change Demigod skin!
Pause Pauses the game.
Esc Displays ingame menu.
/ Display/Hide FPS.
~ Cycle display of health bars.
Ctrl + ~ Display Console.
Alt + C Resets the camera and removes inner limt on camera zoom.
Doubletap 1 Zooms the camera in on your Demigod.


F9 Toggle Debug window (must be in windowed mode to be able to read it).
Alt + A Toggle AI_RunOpponentAI On/Off.
Alt + B Toggle ren_ShowBoneNames On/Off.
Alt + D Freezes the game for 10 seconds? *broken?*
Alt + F SimLua SetLevel(25). *broken?*
Alt + G SimLua GiveAllSkills(). *broken?*
Alt + N Say "No Damage".
Alt + Q Toggles pink select boxes around interface sections On/Off.
Alt + V Toggle unit boxes On/Off.
Ctrl + Alt + Z Say "SallyShears".

on Sep 06, 2008

Nice, THX !

on Sep 06, 2008

shift+enter talk to all ^^. Also thanks a lot!

on Sep 06, 2008

Scroll Up Zoom In.
Scroll Down Zoom Out.

Could we please get a pair of zoom keys like in sins for those of us with laptops? I must say that sins is how to make a game with strategic zoom play on a laptop, and I don't want to need a mouse at all times to play this.

on Sep 07, 2008

Could we please get a pair of zoom keys like in sins for those of us with laptops? I must say that sins is how to make a game with strategic zoom play on a laptop, and I don't want to need a mouse at all times to play this.

i agree

on Sep 08, 2008

Added a couple more keys that people have found. Thanks for the replies.

on Sep 08, 2008

yeah + and - would work and be intuitive for zoom?  or , and .

on Sep 09, 2008

That would be fine if they were customizable. Most people (desktop users) wouldn't want them, but laptop users could move them closer to the action a la sins with xc for example. It needs to be smooth though, the keyboard zoom in SupCom was a sick joke (don't know about the expansions)